Recreational Therapy Assessment
The Recreational Therapy Assessment identifies your unique activity essence from one of the four recreational activity archetypes in our Healing Is The New Sexy® EXPERIENCES Framework.
Your assessment results will unearth the perfect activities that resonate with your unique essence and lay out specific action steps you need to take to actualize the well-being enhancing power of incorporating meaningful activities in your life.
Take the assessment to instantly receive your archetype-specific, personalized Recreational Activities Report & unlock the vibrant spectrum of activities waiting to spark joy, passion, and healing in your world.
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Your journey to a more intentional & fulfilling life begins here.
Embark on this transformative journey with enthusiasm and curiosity. Your unique Recreational Activities Report is more than just a collection of insights; it’s a roadmap to unlocking the power of intentional recreation and a significant step towards a life filled with self-discovery and well-being.
Inside Your Recreational Activities Report, You’ll Find:
- Your Unique Activity Essence: Discover which of the four recreational activity archetypes resonates with your personality.
- Tailored Activity Recommendations: Unlock a curated list of activities that align with your unique essence.
- Personalized Action Steps: Receive specific guidance on incorporating these activities into your life for self-discovery and growth.
- Insightful Self-Reflection: Gain deeper insights into your recreational preferences and their potential impact on your well-being.
- Vibrant Spectrum of Activities: Explore a diverse range of options that can spark joy, passion, and healing in your world.
- Your Recreational Therapy Journey: Understand how engaging in hobbies can be a transformative journey towards self-discovery and enhanced well-being.
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