Submit a Podcast or Video

Is there a podcast episode you’ve recently listened to that is getting you through the messy transition into midlife? Is there a video you’ve recently watched that’s spoken life into you? We’d love to know about it.

At Healing Is The New Sexy®, our platform is co-created with a community midlife women 35+ who are each on their separate journeys of evolving and becoming while simultaneously crossing into this next chapter of their lives.

We appreciate your recommendations to help us in our mission of building a supportive and empowering discovery hub for women to tackle the transition into midlife with more clarity, connection and purpose. 

Please submit a direct URL link for the Podcast or Video you want to share with the community

Disclaimer: Healing Is The New Sexy® is an educational and informational platform and we do not provide professional advice to individuals, except through our 1:1 Online Coaching Services. However, we will do our best to showcase helpful, relevant content to our community. A submission of a recommendation does not guarantee use. We reserve all rights with respect to what is shared within our platform and to our community.