Healing Is The New Sexy® REFLECTION

Transformative tools to guide you through meaningful self-reflection & introspection

Introducing Healing Is The New Sexy® REFLECTION

Healing Is The New Sexy® REFLECTION is a suite of powerful reflection tools meticulously designed for those who crave a clear, structured framework for deep-dive self-exploration.

More than mere instruments, these tools are your companions on the intricate journey of self-reflection and introspection. Each tool offers valuable insights and guides you towards a deeper understanding of your unique essence. Learn more about our tools.

How To Use Reflection

Unlock the richness within

Here’s a simple guide to maximize your experience with Healing Is The New Sexy® REFLECTION:

  1. Set Your Intention: Begin with a clear purpose. What aspect of yourself do you want to explore?
  2. Pick Your Tool: Choose a Reflection tool that resonates with your current aspirations or challenges.
  3. Dive In: Immerse yourself in the reflective process. Answer intuitively.
  4. Download & Save: Tools are in downloadable, fillable PDFs. Save your reflections for future reference.
  5. Join the Conversation: Share insights in our community. Connect with others on a similar journey.

Embark on self-reflection with a small time investment for profound insights.

Choose a Reflection Tool

Pick an available Reflection Tool now!

Reflection Guide: Healing & Self-Discovery

AWAKENED: Empower Your Healing Journey & Your Return to Self

Take charge of your healing journey with this guided e-workbook designed to provide you with direction and guidance to propel you towards the woman you were born to be. This 10-step actionable framework is your companion in navigating fears, embracing disappointments, and defining a clear path forward. In downloadable PDF format, it features reflective questions, writing prompts, inspiring quotes, and an organized, beautiful layout.

What Is Self-Reflection?

self-reflection (verb) /self/ re•flec•tion.

Self-Reflection is the practice of contemplating one’s experiences, actions, or beliefs. It entails looking back on past events and considering their significance or impact. This process often leads to valuable insights, contributing to a heightened sense of self-awareness. It’s a broader, more encompassing term that involves pondering various aspects of one’s life.

What Is Introspection?

introspection (verb) /in•tro•spec•tion.

Introspection is a deliberate and focused examination of one’s own mental and emotional processes. It goes beyond mere contemplation, requiring a conscious analysis of thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Introspection involves exploring the inner workings of the mind to gain a profound understanding of oneself. While related to reflection, introspection is a more intentional and inward-looking form of self-awareness.

Healing Is The New Sexy® REFLECTION

Navigate the complexities of your inner world with Healing Is The New Sexy® REFLECTION –  reflection tools designed for those who crave a clear framework for deep-dive self-exploration.